Interpreting in Palliative Care for Health Care Interpreters

Get trained in the little-known field of palliative care.


7 CEUs
Online, Self-Paced

About the course

Palliative care is medical care involving specialized care for individuals with serious illnesses, with the goal of improving their quality of life. Since palliative care depends on regular, clear communication among providers, patients, and families, interpreters are key members of any palliative care team.

For interpreters, conversations involving palliative care, especially those at the end of life, can be among the most difficult to convey—not only linguistically and culturally, but on a personal level. Yet, to date, there has been little training for interpreters in this field.

This 7-hour workshop was designed by Cynthia Roat, MPH, Anne Kinderman, MD, Alicia Fernandez, MD.

In this course, you will:

  1. Discuss the challenges of using interpreters in palliative medicine
  2. Understand the cultural considerations in palliative medicine
  3. Deepen your knowledge of how experiences with end-of-life conversations and beliefs surrounding death could potentially impact the quality of interpretation

CE Hours & CEUs:
  • Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters (CCHI/CEAP): for 7.00 CE Hours
  • International Medical Interpreters Association (IMIA/ NBCMI): for 0.7 CEU's

What You'll Learn

  • What palliative care is
  • How palliative care is provided
  • How palliative care relates to other types of care
  • Hospice care
  • Comfort care
  • Pain management
  • Why interpreters are critical to providing palliative care

7 CEUs
Online, Self-Paced